Survival Games
MISSION 1- Survival Fishing Trip 3 Day This fall 2012 we are starting an all new series of videos and we will attempt to create a completely new sport. Survival Sport! This game will challenge you to get out into the wilderness and test your skills against the wild. With each new episode we will have a new set of challenges for our team as well as our watchers. Each person who decides to take the challenge must also video their adventure and then post your video as a
Knife Fighting for Self Defense
So I got a challenge for all you hardcore martial artists and MMA guys! I want you to give your wife, teenage kid, or someone you know who is substantially weaker than you physically a permanent marker and have them pretend it’s a knife. Take your shirt off and tell them to come at you and see if they can mark you up. Pretend that its life or death and whoever loses has to do dishes for the next month! I got a good feeling your wife or
How to Pick a Survival School
Have you ever wondered why it is that most so called survival schools don’t really post any kind of a real resume about their instructors?They all seem to be so cookie cutter, saying all the same things or they don’t say anything at all! Here is the most common description, “I grew up in the woods as a boy and learned to love the outdoors from an early age”, blah blah etc. Now, I am not going to knock that experience in life because that is what rooted