Quick Bugout Bag Checklist
The term bugging out is a term survivalist preppers and some military use when talking about getting out of a certain situation. A bugout bag is a handy set of ready to go items that you can just grab and go. Some people prefer the term "B.O.B."(Bug Out Bag) or "Go Bag." The general rule of thumb is to have enough supplies in your bug out bag to survive at least 3 days, although sometimes bug out bags are made to last 7 - 21 days, and even indefinitely.Depending
Employing Stealth in Disasters
Why is Stealth Pivotal in Disasters? We are all aware of the horror stories from refugees in disasters in the recent past. During Hurricane Katrina there were so many crimes carried out in a short amount of time that it truly boggles the mind how quickly some individuals can lose their sense of humanity in a life threatening situation. Of all the priorities that we have to worry in a potential bug out there is one that rings in my mind greater than any other. SECURITY! Being ex military and
Bug Out Philosophy
Okay. This is a serious topic and should be well thought out! Prepping depends a lot on your budget and your living circumstances. There are two survival philosophies: Bug In or Bug Out. Now even though I am a bug out practitioner I do believe it is more practical for most of the crowd to bug in! But let me clarify that I think people should have a good amount of food put away in case their is a food crisis or you are not financially fit enough