
PICK THE NEXT SPECIALTY CLASS! Our POLLS determine what classes are offered next according to popular demand! It would be great for us to offer every survival class possible,  but time is limited for everyone and we need to focus on our students most critical needs. What is your top choice for the following classes being offered that you are interested in?ANSWER the poll below to help define survival training needs & focus.If you want to look at the companies websites to determine what you like best. Click here for more

 So I got a challenge for all you hardcore martial artists and MMA guys! I want you to give your wife, teenage kid, or someone you know who is substantially weaker than you physically a permanent marker and have them pretend it’s a knife. Take your shirt off and tell them to come at you and see if they can mark you up. Pretend that its life or death and whoever loses has to do dishes for the next month! I got a good feeling your wife or

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