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When you purchase a SIGMA 3 course, you’re buying a training credit for that particular course. Your credit is redeemable for any class date of that type for up to 3 years!
People of any fitness level are invited to attend our courses. We won’t push you beyond your limits, but if you intend to become certified, then you will have to be able to complete all required tasks for graduation. SERE, Scout Survival, and the Instructor Program are very physically demanding courses. All others are pretty laid back, and almost anyone can handle them.
Local shower facilities are available within a 5-minute drive of camp. We have a porta potty on site and we have water available.
You will have to provide your own food for all the courses that SIGMA 3 offers. Water is provided.
Unless specified in the course outline, you may bring anything that will make your training experience with Sigma 3 more comfortable. Some may prefer to test themselves and rough it a bit which is also encouraged. Instructor course candidates will be living in primitive shelters the entirety of the course and will only need a tarp and poncho.
Most of our courses are very laid back and easy going. The training is as intense or as easy as you want it to be! The Scout Survival, Instructor courses, and SERE courses have very intense phases of them, so be prepared!
We allow kids ages 8 and up to attend with a parent/guardian. No minors are allowed in our courses without parental supervision.
Our curriculum covers a wide range of ecosystems and will generally prepare you for almost any difficult climate worldwide. We also have international courses in varying types of environments as well.
We have water moccasins, copperheads, rattlesnakes, black widows, brown recluse spiders, and plenty of chiggers/ticks. The ticks are the biggest issue, so be prepared for that. The snakes and spiders are far less of an issue, but they are around our area. We recommend getting some permethrin spray for the bugs. Sawyer Permethrin can be purchased at any Walmart or online.
We have several different models of knives within varying price ranges we recommend. Here is a link to the knives SIGMA 3 instructors carry.
All classes start at 8 AM and end at 5 PM.
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Copyright © 2024 Sigma 3 Survival School. All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions