Quick Bugout Bag Checklist
The term bugging out is a term survivalist preppers and some military use when talking about getting out of a certain situation. A bugout bag is a handy set of ready to go items that you can just grab and go. Some people prefer the term "B.O.B."(Bug Out Bag) or "Go Bag." The general rule of thumb is to have enough supplies in your bug out bag to survive at least 3 days, although sometimes bug out bags are made to last 7 - 21 days, and even indefinitely.Depending
Cooking Armadillo for Survival Food
A lot of people look at Armadillo as some kind of taboo food for consumption unless it's under extreme survival circumstances. Well I’m here to tell you that not only is it safe but it also tastes great. If you like pork then you’ll like Armadillo as well! They are basically just armored pigs that live in the ground and they are super easy to catch. For fun a lot of people try to sneak up on them and pick them up, which is very easy to do.
Alternatives to Buried Survival Caches
Practical Alternatives for Buried Survival CachesBy Matthew DermodyOne can hardly go far into the prepper and survivalist culture of self-reliance without running into the subject of gear survival caches and doomsday stockpiles. Having a survival cache and having access to the critical supplies contained within it is essential. As more and more people choose to lose their ability to take care of themselves, the need to keep your supplies from the prying eyes of the desperately unprepared grows even more. The most commonly discussed survival cache is the
NEW & IMPROVED SERE Training Course
BIG CHANGES! The Urban SERE and Wilderness SERE course are now one 7 day hardcore course! We have been running our SERE training program for civilians for years and we have always had two components to the course. Urban and Wilderness SERE training courses were each 5 day courses. Now they are one 7 day course that is more exciting than before! The wilderness SERE training module covers survival tactics in the woods, when security and stealth is your biggest priority. All the survival tactics taught have an
The Best Cattle for SHTF
Corriente Cattle for SHTFIn the recent years, I have done a ton of research on the best cattle for shtf. I have a couple of priorities that stick out the most when choosing these breeds. They must be cattle that are optimal for tough living conditions, and that means cows that can make it on their own without needing feed, perfect weather, and premier grass to eat. In my mind, the best cow is the one that requires the least maintenance, is the cheapest to raise, and tastes
SIGMA 3 on new show “America Unplugged”
Hey Everyone,Well we wrapped up another TV shoot with another awesome organization, the Sportsman Channel. SIGMA 3 was recently featured in the new show called "America Unplugged" hosted by Cade Courtley. The show is about preppers and survivalists that are on the path to getting off the grid and it’s a well done documentary about our lifestyle here at SIGMA 3. The show focuses on our efforts to build a self reliant homestead. Each new episode will feature a new family or group of Off Grid Survivalists. If
Employing Stealth in Disasters
Why is Stealth Pivotal in Disasters? We are all aware of the horror stories from refugees in disasters in the recent past. During Hurricane Katrina there were so many crimes carried out in a short amount of time that it truly boggles the mind how quickly some individuals can lose their sense of humanity in a life threatening situation. Of all the priorities that we have to worry in a potential bug out there is one that rings in my mind greater than any other. SECURITY! Being ex military and
Why is prepping radical?
For so long we have all watched the media’s demonization of American citizen’s that enjoy a lifestyle of preparedness and self reliance. What is so radical about prepping? Why does the media choose to spin this in the light that they do? It makes no sense to demonize people that want to be responsible for not only themselves but their family and community.Lets just take a minute to exam what prepping is and where the mindset came from. Many people wrongly label preppers as Doomsday preppers, but the
Prepping vs Survivalism
This debate has been raging since the two ideologies started to become more mainstream more than a decade ago. With increased strife and turmoil in the news, it’s becoming increasingly more important to be well prepared for anything that might happen. It doesn’t matter what you’re prepping for but it does matter how you prep and the way you train. I’ve always said that training trumps gear and I continue to preach that philosophy. The problem with prepping is that you have essentially traded once source of dependence
The Perfect Wilderness Salve
The Perfect Wilderness SalveLast year I made an all natural product for medicinal uses that surpasses my expectations all the time and I just had to share it with everyone! If you don’t know what salve is then you are in for a real medicinal treat. Salve can be used for an amazing amount of external ailments. I have personally used it on boils, bites, blemishes (pimples), deep cuts, infections, and rashes! Its made of a medicinal concoction that relieves all types of symptoms. This salve is the