
By Robert AllenAfter almost two years of testing the Warbonnet Blackbird XLC hammock, we have come to the conclusion that this is the best hammock system on the market for the money. I personally bought one of these a couple of years ago and have tested it in almost every kind of weather imaginable. This hammock is just about as bomb-proof as you can get for a lightweight piece of sleep gear. Various SIGMA 3 instructors have also purchased it and used it all over the country, they

SIGMA 3 has just launched our new Escape and Evasion kit for SERE. This kit includes all the low tech spy type gear you will need to get away from illegal detention. We as Americans are at huge risk of kidnapping by ISIS, the Cartels, and other threats globally. So because we are targets we must prepare by not only getting equipment but learning how to use this equipment. SERE training is something that everyone who travels needs, especially women and people who are at higher risk for captures.

The best bushcraft knife for under $75 is by far and away the Mora Bushcraft knife. There are a lot of good blades on the market for the money and I have tried most of them. But I still keep coming back to this one knife. In fact, even though I have several high end custom survival knives, I still find myself carrying a Mora Bushcraft knife at many of our survival courses. It is always in my go bag as a backup knife to my main survival

After a years worth of work and organizing, we have finally opened the online survival store. We have teamed up with a professional distributor to help us stream line completing sales and getting the product to our students and customers. SIGMA 3 instructors are not professional retailers so we wanted to team up with the right people to deliver the products in the most professional manner possible so our customers are as happy as possible. We wanted a system that was already streamlined. So the people we work

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