TOP 5 Knife Grinds Every Bushcrafter Needs to Know!
Knife grinds? What are the advantages of different grinds? What are my favorite knife grinds for bushcraft? In this article we are going to breakdown everything you need to know about knife grinds and what you should choose for your bushcraft blade. So you've heard just about every single so called survival expert in the world tell you the most important tool to have in a survival situation is a knife. But they don't go into much depth about what grinds you need for the type of work
CamelBak Survival Hack
Here is a quick camelbak survival hack that I think you will like, and it's something that I've used to cross many waterways of all different types. I first figured this tactic out when swimming across rivers while fishing. I'd see a good fishing spot and want to get across to get to the best spots but also wanted to be safe. So I came up with this method to help me, since it's an item I always seem to carry on me.The Camelbak is a water bladder
Survival Gadgets that Work!
During my 10+ years in survival I have seen hundreds of survival gadgets come and go. Many of which I thought were clever, but would never make it, and others I thought would be great to have. It is kind of like the fidget spinners. They were extremely popular, and even bushcrafters were using them to make friction fire, but I knew the craze would die off. Many survival gadgets are like that, but I wanted to share a few that I think are extremely useful:Some of favorite
Top 10 Scandi Grind Bushcraft Knives of 2018
Being a full time survival instructor I have the opportunity to truly test knives in the field and see how the hold up in not only professionals hands but amateurs as well. This list is my favorite blades of the last few years and have all proven to hold up extremely well in the field under harsh conditions. We run the longest outdoor wilderness survival programs in the country, and during these courses we see a lot of knives fail. Our philosophy at SIGMA 3 Survival School is
Quick Bugout Bag Checklist
The term bugging out is a term survivalist preppers and some military use when talking about getting out of a certain situation. A bugout bag is a handy set of ready to go items that you can just grab and go. Some people prefer the term "B.O.B."(Bug Out Bag) or "Go Bag." The general rule of thumb is to have enough supplies in your bug out bag to survive at least 3 days, although sometimes bug out bags are made to last 7 - 21 days, and even indefinitely.Depending
The Best Wool Anorak
For many years, I’ve been searching to find the best wool clothing on the planet. Working in the wilderness full time means I need a clothing fiber that works in wide range of temperatures and rough conditions. Clothing choice is a huge consideration when purchasing equipment for work because it means the difference in being comfortable and miserable. Because we train in all kinds of terrible conditions. I’ve gone through and purchased numerous cheaper options that were available and was still un-satisfied with the performance. Like many people
The Best Sleeping Bag
The conditions outside will dictate everything, and could encompass thousands of different temperatures and climates. For this article we will be highlighting some of the Best Cold Weather Sleeping bags.When it comes to wilderness outdoor activity there are really only 3 types of buschcrafters.The "Arm Chair Bushcrafter" - Enjoys the virtual arena of the outdoors, and finds enjoyment in the entertainment side of survival.The "Avid Bushcrafter" - Enjoys physically getting outdoors, and actually training in survival skills. They enjoy the occasional overnighter, but many times their outdoor activity
Top 5 Bushcraft Saws
5 Best Bushcraft SawsFor years we have been using silky saws in the field and they have performed exceptionally well. So this list will heavy on the silkies, but we will cover some other saws as well. There is a ton of different saws out there on the market to choose from, the options can be overwhelming to a newbie. So we have tried everything out there and narrowed it down to a handful of saws for you that will work best for bushcrafters and outdoorsman. All of
New Bushcrafter’s Reflective Tarp Shelter
ANNOUNCEMENT: We are proud to announce that SIGMA 3 will be the first US distributor of these reflective tarp products and currently the only place you can get this in America.We highly recommend this shelter after having used it in the field!For years, I have been looking for a really good shelter made of reflective material that was designed for use by bushcrafters. In the US, you really only have the small emergency blanket tarps made of this material and they are all too small for comfortable use.
Build Your Own DIY Survival Fishing Kit
How to Build Your Own DIY Survival Fishing KitWhen living off the land, something we have to seriously think about is where are we going to get our food if we are to be in the wilderness for an extended period of time (more than 72 hours). One possible answer is fish and should be your top food priority if you have sufficient resources in your area. Survival fishing is the answer in many areas for all your food needs, and our instructor Josh Hamlin survived on fish