Check out our brand new signs that we have added to our main survival camp in Arkansas. The signs are at the entrance to the primitive camp, where we have examples of dozens of different survival shelter types. Group photos will now be taken under the sign after every class. We will also be adding new signs to our upcoming 3D archery range, the primitive weapons golf course, and the primitive trapping area round robin that we are building! We have also recently added two 18' Tipi's to

PICK THE NEXT SPECIALTY CLASS! Our POLLS determine what classes are offered next according to popular demand! It would be great for us to offer every survival class possible,  but time is limited for everyone and we need to focus on our students most critical needs. What is your top choice for the following classes being offered that you are interested in?ANSWER the poll below to help define survival training needs & focus.If you want to look at the companies websites to determine what you like best. Click here for more

Greetings, Sigma 3 Family!As many of you know, Sigma 3 Survival School has been experiencing exponential growth as of late. With this growth comes new and exciting opportunities, new classes, and new skill sets to be mastered. These changes are exciting and refreshing for us and we know that you will be pleased with the direction Sigma 3 is going as well.We have been given many new opportunities for specialty classes that have previously been unavailable along with access to new instructors and sources of information, and SIGMA

Coming this June 9-10, 2012 we will be holding a free survival shelters course that will include the construction of some sophisticated survival shelters for our newest survival camp in Huntington! The class will last two days and participants can choose to stay overnight at the camp if they choose. Structures Built will include:-advanced debris hut with internal heating and fireplace extension-wigwam-Lean to w/reflector-swamp bed-A Frame jungle hooch-mini wickiup Location: Huntington, AR Survival Camp (Click Here for more info)Date: June 9-10, 2012Cost: FREEItems Needed: overnight camping gear, outdoor clothing, bug

 New Private or Small Group Packages! Since we have so many tactical courses on the board right now I wanted to make a special offer for those interested in wilderness survival! If you have an interest in wilderness survival training and the course you are interested in is not on the schedule then contact us to setup a custom class. You can pick any course from the wilderness survival course list including: the survival standard courses, shelter building, fire making, water procurement, food procurement (trapping fishing hunting), primitive

Hey Everyone, Its been a little while since the last update so I will bring you up to speed on what has been going on with the school. I just completed some new training courses related to Executive protection for hostile environments, hostage rescue, and received 4 new NRA weapons certifications. The class was long and I am glad to be back to my normal schedule again. Nothing like being home with the family! If you have not checked the website in awhile we have a new feature instructor

Canning and Home Prep ClassWell the class went very well and we delved into a ton of different food preservation subjects. The class covered a ton of different subjects including: canning, caching, jerky, drying foods, pemmican, jelly, modern food storage methods, etc.  We also did an in depth lecture and some field exercises in preserving food primitively. Robert made a quick smoking tripod with primitive cordage made of roots, yucca leaves, and cedar bark cordage. After we constructed the tripod we made a primitive food cache in the

Have you ever watched the wise animals of the woods? Have you ever noticed that the smarter an animal is, the slower they usually move in there everyday activities? A wise ol buck is usually the last to enter a danger zone and the first one to leave. We should all take lessons from the sages of the woods. An old animal has to be incredibly diligent and mindful to survive many years in the wilderness. You will notice that other than moments when animals are playing that

Sigma just completed our first shelter building class and we got rave reviews from the guys who participated. They seemed to enjoy the experience and I was even told by a guy that he learned more about survival in that one weekend then he had learned in his entire life. And this was not a rookie in the woods. We really do strive to go the extra mile to teach you as much as we possible can in each course. I believe in coyote mentoring to a degree

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