
Great Christmas gifts are hard to find for those who love the outdoors. Everyone has a preference. Yet, there is some excellent outdoor gear that you cannot go wrong purchasing for those who love the outdoors. Furthermore, have you thought about gift ideas for the survivalist, prepper or outdoor enthusiast in your life? Sigma 3 Survival Store is having a Black Friday sale this Thursday. Now is a great time to consider these 6 great gift ideas at a reasonable price.1. The Sigma 3 Survivor “Ultimate Bushcraft Blade”The

There are 3 critical factors in wearing winter clothing of which to be aware. The holiday and winter season is a time of great joy. Many people travel during this time of the year to visit relatives. For example, AAA® estimates that over 54 million people will travel by car over Thanksgiving this year. The winter months are a busy time of the year. Winter clothing is a critical consideration when traveling or outdoors. What are the four essential characteristics to remember about winter clothing?Proper FittingThe first notable

It is vital to keep your feet healthy at all times when outdoors. Survival, bushcraft, and outdoor activities require healthy feet. The U. S. Army gives important instruction to soldiers on the proper care of feet. The U. S. Army field manual, FM 21-18 Foot Marches, offers excellent advice on taking care of your feet. There are three basic principles to remember to keep your feet healthy at all times.1. Properly Fitting FootwearYour footwear must fit properly if you wish to keep your feet healthy. It goes without

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