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There are 4 tips to consider for decisions about EDC options. My wife and I, recently, were discussing the topic of Everyday Carry (EDC). That conversation became the motivation to write this article. Prepping and survivalist interest is growing. Consequently, there are many people new to the jargon and concepts they are seeing on the internet. Therefore, it is helpful to keep in mind these four tips when considering what to carry for your EDC loadout.Tip # 1: Assess Your Daily EnvironmentThe first tip about EDC options is

For many survival has become more than a hobby, it is a way of life.  The survival industry is a vast and ever growing community built around developing self-reliance skills and reconnecting with nature.  It is in this exciting pursuit many skills get overlooked and in some cases are underrated.  The thought of rubbing two sticks together is exhilarating

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