The five tips for personal security this summer will assist in your avoiding dangerous situations. The recent events of the last several weeks highlights the need to protect yourself. Those in the personal security professions will advise that personal protection requires a good plan. The rise of criminal and violent activity means that you can not take your security for granted. For example, many public parking areas post signs about not leaving valuables in your car.
As such, many people are obtaining a carry-concealed weapons (CCW) license and carrying a handgun. However, there is a psychology that comes with carrying a concealed firearm and being ready, willing, and able to employ it in an emergency. The analysis of military combat reveals that sudden, violent, and intense engagements can mentally paralyze even the best trained individuals. There is a name for this kind of sudden threat to your safety, it is called the mad minute.
Therefore, as you consider your personal security protection plan, you must account for situations that possibly will catch you by surprise. Military ambushes are an example of such situations. Most violent crime is perpetrated in less than one minute by catching the victim by surprise. Consequently, violent crime should be considered as a kind of ambush. These six recommendations can help reduce your risk for being a victim of a crime or violent activity
1. Vary Movements and Routines
The first way you can help increase your safety posture is to vary your movements and routines. It is helpful to leave at differing times and returning home if you commute to work. Criminals conduct reconnaissance on their targets. Many look for targets of opportunity.
Consequently, if you make it more difficult for them to assess your vulnerability, they will move on to another target. Thus, if you are a person who habitually leaves for work at 6:30 am, you might want to leave earlier or later by ten minutes every few days.
In the military, there is a saying, “Don’t be a creature of habit.” The saying is applies to movement security and personal protection. Habit and routine can guarantee your being noticed by people that may have criminal designs against you.
The principle, here, also applies to the routes that you take to go places. Leave for work using one route, but use a different route to get home. If you like to shop at certain grocery store, then vary where you park and the time of day that you shop. If you have to go downtown in your city, then vary how you get to the location and how you depart. Most importantly, do not loiter; get in, get out of your location.
2. Do Not Stand Out In A Crowd
Another technique to help increase your security and protection is by not standing out in a crowd. Some of the videos being posted of people being attacked by rioters show that they are standing out. The victims are wearing contrasting clothing, opposite colors, or they are by themselves. Some are so bold as to enter a hostile crowd wearing provocative clothing. That is not the best way to stay safe.
The military uses the acronym BLISS to help servicemembers to keep a low-profile. The survival and prepping communities call it being a grey man. BLISS stands for (B)blend, (L)low silhouette, (I)irregular shape, (S)small, (S) secluded location.
It is hard in an urban or suburban environment to employ this acronym literally. Yet, the concepts it reflects should be part of your security plan. You should blend in to your environment. It is essential to keep a low-silhouette. A person can keep their profile or outline from looking symmetrical by the way you wear your clothing. Your keeping to a small or secluded location comes with using building shadows or crowds of people to hide your movements from criminals targeting you.
3. Avoid Potential Danger Areas
The third way you can help increase your security this summer is by avoiding potential danger areas. Your avoiding potentially dangerous areas in your town or city will keep you safe in most situations. The most effective way to do this is to pay attention to the traffic alerts in your area.
Additionally, criminal and violent activity tends to be in certain areas of every urban or suburban area. For example, there are neighborhoods in Los Angeles that are well-known for gang activity. Consequently, the only people who enter these areas are those that live in those neighborhoods. Therefore, avoid areas as much as possible that have a reputation for criminal or violent activity.
4. Strength In Numbers
Your safety considerations should be one of moving with another person or in groups. The old saying that there is strength in numbers applies to the current climate of uncertainty. The U.S. Army teaches soldiers to have a battle buddy when going somewhere. The use of this concept keeps the likelihood of a problem to a minimum.
For example, many ladies like to go shopping with their friends. As things begin to develop in our nation, it would be wise to make this practice a habit rather than an occasional pastime.
5. Maintain Situational Awareness
The key to maintaining personal security at all times is maintaining situational awareness at all times. It is not only true when you are planning on a day out running errands, it is also true as you are moving from your car to a store, walking in your downtown area, or going on a trip.
When I was in Germany in 1990, there were times when we were told to avoid going downtown because of anti-nuclear weapons demonstrations. The purpose was to help U.S. servicemembers from getting caught up in a potentially violent protest.
The war on terrorism brought a new twist to maintaining personal security. It is important to drive and walk with a sense of staying sensitive to your environment. In Europe, we had to drive in such a way as to keep aware of people getting too close or attempting to block us in at a stop. The recent events where freeways were blocked by protestors means having an alternate route to access in an emergency. The ability to do that requires being situationally aware at all times.
Final Thoughts
Your personal security is up to you. It is essential that you are proactive and not reactive when it comes to your security planning. Understand the threats around you and have a plan to reduce their risk to you and your family. Criminals tend to seek out those they perceive are weak, unprepared, or vulnerable. These five recommendations are not a comprehensive set of techniques to guarantee your safety. However, they will increase your chances of ensuring your personal safety and those who are with you.
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