What do we require as humans to survive? We require nutritious food, clean water, and adequate shelter. These are basic human essentials that we have used since our forefathers began hunting and gathering. We need to gather such things to stay alive. In the hunter-gather course, you learn how to survive off the land when you begin to hunt and gather.   Why do we require them? Food and water are required for survival. We cannot survive without them. We need shelter to safeguard ourselves from different components. We will not survive

Manage CaloriesSurvival is a calories game. Your body converts food into fuel, which provides you with energy, but if you burn more calories trying to obtain food, you are not properly managing your calories. For every calorie you burn you need to find ways to replace it. Conserve your energy.The average active person will use approximately 3,000-5,000 calories per day.Always ensure that the energy gained from the food is more than the energy you expended in procuring it, otherwise it’s a wasteful exercise.In a short-term survival situation, food

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