Sigma 3 Survival School is extending for 60 additional days our $6000 Survival Class Give Away Contest. Why? We are helping our friend and colleague, Justin Sage Williams. Recently, he was diagnosed by his doctors with stage 4 brain cancer. Justin is a former instructor at the Sigma 3 Survival School. He is now the founder and wilderness survival instructor of Axis Off Grid. Axis Off Grid is his outdoor living school. However, if you are not familiar with Justin’s background in bushcraft and outdoor survival, below is a short overview of Justin.
Wilderness Survival Training
Justin “Sage” Williams, is an avid woodsman. He grew up hiking, fishing, and camping in the Ozark Mountains his entire life. Consequently, Justin developed an interest in bushcraft in 2007. As a result, he then began wilderness survival training. In 2010, He attended the Pathfinder School to gain additional wilderness survival training in 2010. Justin went on to begin training in modern trapping in 2011. Later, He operated a commercial trap line over a three year period. In 2015, Justin successfully completed multiple wilderness survival training certifications. Thus, he holds certifications from the Pathfinder Survival School, First Earth Wilderness School, Outdoor Leadership Skills OLS, Leave No Trace, Advanced Kayaking, and many others.
Wilderness Instructing
Consequently, Justin immersed himself into full-time wilderness survival instructor training. in 2016. He completed the 45 Day Survival Sigma 3 Instructor Program that Spring. Justin, currently, holds one of the fastest times to complete the Scout Knife Only course. Moreover, he also has been mentored by the legend John McPherson. John McPherson helped Justin to learn more about homesteading, self-reliance, wilderness survival, flint knapping, and starting a survival school. As a result, Justin went on to become the Director of Operations and Lead Instructor for one of the largest wilderness survival schools in the U.S. As a result of his experience, Justin opened his Axis Off Grid wilderness survival school in 2019.
How to Help Justin
Moreover, if you want more information on Justin’s medical situation and how to help him and his family, check out our previous article, Instructor w/ Brain Cancer; $6000 Class Giveaway.
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