Can You Survive in the Wild as a Vegan?
Being vegan has become trendy in recent decades and as a survival instructor, students and followers often ask if you can survive in the wild while not eating animals.
Make Char Cloth with a Zippo! Survival Hack
Why would it be useful to make char cloth?Learning how to make char cloth is an essential skill set every woodsman needs to know. Why you ask? Because char cloth is simply one of the best methods for catching a spark. Its better than almost any other natural tinder source you can find. You don't even need a ferro rod if you know how to make char cloth, because you can use flint stones to knock sparks off your knife and create fire that way.
TOP 5 Knife Grinds Every Bushcrafter Needs to Know!
Knife grinds? What are the advantages of different grinds? What are my favorite knife grinds for bushcraft? In this article we are going to breakdown everything you need to know about knife grinds and what you should choose for your bushcraft blade. So you've heard just about every single so called survival expert in the world tell you the most important tool to have in a survival situation is a knife. But they don't go into much depth about what grinds you need for the type of work
CamelBak Survival Hack
Here is a quick camelbak survival hack that I think you will like, and it's something that I've used to cross many waterways of all different types. I first figured this tactic out when swimming across rivers while fishing. I'd see a good fishing spot and want to get across to get to the best spots but also wanted to be safe. So I came up with this method to help me, since it's an item I always seem to carry on me.The Camelbak is a water bladder
How to Make a Twined Fish Trap
Today you’re going to be introduced to a twined fish trap method I’ve used to survive for years in the wilderness. Hello, I’m Joshua Hamlin, lead primitive skills instructor at SIGMA 3. During my two years living in the wilderness completely primitive and isolated from the world, I used this method extensively for a big majority of my meat.Primitive skills is such a beautiful thing because of the freedom it gives you to travel at your own will with no money. In todays society we are forced into
To Kill or Not to Kill – Live Trap
To kill or not to kill. That is a good question. Preserving meat, as you know, is normally no big deal. Just build a smoker and make jerky. Boom, problem solved. Or, to get by for a few days, you can cook and recook meat, or even store it raw in an earthen fridge. While surviving Alone on Vancouver Island for the History Channel my Gill Net regularly caught more fish than I was able to eat in a single day. So, to avoid spoilage, I cooked and
45 Days from Life Change!!
Life has a way of tearing you down. It can be extremely difficult to carry the weight of it all. Many are aware that I took the 45 Day Instructor Course in the Spring of 2016, but what most don't know is "WHY" I took the program. I will get into that shortly, but I wan't you to first understand there are many reasons people take this course. For some it is the thought of one day teaching survival for a living, for others they want to join
Edible Bugs – Ultimate Survival Food
In Western Cultures we have created a stigma about eating insects; however over 80% of the world eats bugs as a part of their daily diet. They in fact are super foods. We have labeled them as disgusting, yuck, and gross, but in reality they can be quite delicious. They are packed with nutrients, and when it comes to protein, many insects have more grams of protein than beef.Most people see insects as pest or even dangerous. It is true that numerous bugs have parasites, bacteria, and in
Survival Gadgets that Work!
During my 10+ years in survival I have seen hundreds of survival gadgets come and go. Many of which I thought were clever, but would never make it, and others I thought would be great to have. It is kind of like the fidget spinners. They were extremely popular, and even bushcrafters were using them to make friction fire, but I knew the craze would die off. Many survival gadgets are like that, but I wanted to share a few that I think are extremely useful:Some of favorite
Quick Bugout Bag Checklist
The term bugging out is a term survivalist preppers and some military use when talking about getting out of a certain situation. A bugout bag is a handy set of ready to go items that you can just grab and go. Some people prefer the term "B.O.B."(Bug Out Bag) or "Go Bag." The general rule of thumb is to have enough supplies in your bug out bag to survive at least 3 days, although sometimes bug out bags are made to last 7 - 21 days, and even indefinitely.Depending