
Apprenticeship Program


Level 3


Lebanon MO



6 month minimum

Course Dates:

Year 2024

You can start at anytime, but its best to start a month before any scheduled 45 Days Survival Instructor Course.

Continuous Year Round Training

You can JOIN at anytime, call/text for details

Call/Text Now 417-522-8172

Learn Survival & Homesteading

The Apprenticeship is designed to be a long term living arrangement where you come live on our homestead in the Ozarks and attend all our courses. When you're not doing survival, tactical, or medical training, you'll be immersed full time into homesteading projects. The homesteading portion will include lots of gardening, animal husbandry, and permaculture based skills. And the animals you take care of will provide all your food, lodging and food are included in the program. The homestead will be growing chickens, rabbits, ducks, cows, and have a large 2 acre garden area you'll work. You'll be immersed into daily farm life while living in the outdoors full time. The program is best attended right prior to any 45 Day Survival Instructor Program course, which comes free of cost with your enrollment ($5000 value) and is hosted Spring, Summer and Fall. Once you've graduated, you'll begin to practice your teaching skills at future courses and learning how to be a survival instructor.

The goal of the program is two fold, first to give you the skills to survive in the wild indefinitely with minimal tools. Secondly, to train you up in homesteading skills to learn to live off the land in a farm setting. The end game goal is that hopefully when you decide to leave here, you'll venture somewhere else in the country and open your own school and homestead. Some other fringe benefits of the program is that you'll be a full time part of our social media content production. We will teach you video/photography and how to build a following online of your own. And we've priced this program to be equivalent to what the average person might pay in rent so it should be affordable to most people with decent savings or passive income. One qualified apprentice might be hired on full time to run programs here at SIGMA 3 and become a lead instructor one day.

What will you learn?

What will you live in?

During your time here you will live in various survival shelters, but after you pass the 45-Day Survival Instructor Course, you’ll be moved into a tipi, wikiup, or possibly a wall tent. We want you to be immersed in the outdoors full-time, but we also want you to be comfortable during your stay. You can use your lodging to meet your specifications and you can make it your home. The program minimum is 6 months, but if you choose to stay longer there is no cutoff limit on your stay here. You can be a part of the SIGMA 3 Family as long as you’d like within reason. You are welcome to bring electronics and set up a solar generator for lights, laptops, phones, and other necessities.

All your cooking will be done over the campfire or propane stove. And you’ll have unlimited access to the forest around you for firewood and building bushcraft camp furniture around your living area and we will teach you how to build all of it. It’s recommended you bring 1-3 large outdoor waterproof tool boxes on wheels to hold your most necessary items. You’ll also be near your vehicle for storage. You’ll also have access to our tools such as chainsaw, water totes, and other tools you might need to build or maintain whatever structure you decide to stay in.

Who is the program best suited for?

Have you got what it takes?

This program is a marathon of outdoors time and really takes the right kind of person to live outdoors permanently and create a totally different lifestyle of living outdoors and training full time. This program is best suited for single people without many relationship attachments and no family. Attending this program means disconnecting from everything else and finding a new way and building a new tribe. You’ll need to be hardy, tough, consistent, and have a strong work ethic to finish this program. A really good fit for this program is veterans with disability ratings that have a VA rating and passive income. Your cost of living will be low and your training and lifestyle value high. Anyone with passive income or large enough savings to pay out right for 6 months at a time can qualify. But you need to really think about it and embrace the experience and leave your old world behind to form new bonds and create a new tribe.

Come Join the Tribe

Primary Instructors

Rob Allen

  1.   SIGMA 3  Survival Founder
  2.  15 years full-time Survival Instructor
  3.  Numerous TV shows, worked for Discovery, Animal Planet, History Channel, Outdoor Channel
  4.  Trained more civilian survival instructors than anyone else in the world.
  5.  Combat veteran
Rob Allen Sigma 3 Survival School

Josh Hamlin

  1.   20 Years Full-Time Survival Instructor
  2.   Has lived outdoors with no water or electricity for over 15 years.
  3.   Plant and Herbal Medicine Making Expert
  4.   Flintknapper
  5.   Expert Homesteader
  6.   Survived two years in the wild with just a knife.
  7.   One of the most experienced survivalists in the world.

How to get signed up?

Requirements to Attend

  1. Must be 21 Years of Age
  2. Must have either provable passive income or pay 6 months in advance. Perfect choice for disabled vets who receive checks from the VA.
  3. Must own a vehicle and have a driver’s license.
  4. Must pass a background check and interview process with the owner.
  5. Must be tough, resilient, and consistent in daily habits.
  6. Previous experience in homesteading is a major plus, but not a requirement.

Call/ Text an Instructor Now >> 417-522-8172

Money Making Opportunities

There are a few possible ways to make money from this, that I’ll explain in greater detail in the video. But here are the highlights:

  1. Open your own satellite school in another location.
  2. Create a side hustle business on our property selling homestead items, crafts or herbal medicine.
  3. There may be the opportunity for profit sharing on animal or garden sales. Produce stands, farmers markets, and more!


  • Must have a vehicle
  • Sustainable passive income or pay in full for 6 months before attending.
  • Enough outdoor gear to attend programs
  • 21 or older

You’ll live in Tipis or Wikiups for the majority of your stay here. Basic Food is provided.

No experience necessary to attend this program.

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