
3 Basic Firearms For Your Security Plan

Three basic firearms to include in your security plan will help enable the safety of your family, property, or business. Our U.S. Constitution affords us the right to own firearms as well as all the things related to them. It was clear from our colonial period that one’s basic survival depended on some firearm. Thus, the musket rifle has been one of the many symbols that identify the liberty that we enjoy. Recent events reveal the importance of a home and business security plan that includes a firearm. American’s realize this as reports of soaring firearm and ammunition sales indicate. Therefore, it is only wise to include firearms as part of your security plan.

Firearms come in many forms of handguns and rifles with many applications such as military, hunting, or law enforcement. One should not purchase a firearm haphazardly. It would be best if you kept only those weapons that you are familiar with shooting, cleaning, and maintaining. Admittedly, some firearms are easier to maintain than others. If you are a novice about guns and handling them, get some training by a professional before even thinking about settling on a particular firearm. Equally, one should have some understanding of ammunition and its effects. For example, you should know the difference between a ball-round and a hollow point, or rifle ammunition from shotgun ammunition.

1. Pistol

Your first consideration for a firearm should be a pistol. Pistols often are called handguns. Handguns feature two types of configuration: semi-automatic and revolver. Handguns also come in two types of action: single action and double action. For example, my Beretta® 92FS is a double-action, semi-automatic pistol. My father’s Ruger® Blackhawk .357 is a single-action revolver.

Most experts will advise that a revolver is the best handgun for home defense. A revolver is not subject to jamming as semi-automatic pistols are known to do. Therefore, they will fire when needed in an emergency. One drawback with revolvers is they are limited in the amount of ammunition they can hold. Moreover, a common mistake that people make with ammunition is they try to use .45 ACP in a .45 caliber revolver. Not good. That is why it is essential to know ammunition as well as handguns. Nevertheless, a pistol of any type should be part of your basic suite of firearms for your security plan.  Additionally, ensure that you get your conceal carry license before carrying your pistol.

2. Rifle

A second firearm consideration for your security plan should be a rifle. Rifles in most states are not under the same kinds of laws that govern the purchase of handguns, like 90-day waiting periods. There are many styles of rifles. Rifles come in two common types: bolt-action and semi-automatic.

A bolt-action rifle characterizes the basic big-game hunting rifle. You have to manually pull the bolt back and push it forward to place a bullet in the firing position. A semi-automatic rifle puts the cartridge into the firing position through the automatic action between the magazine and bolt. These are called semi-automatic because you get one shot with one pull of the trigger. However, you do not have to load each bullet manually as you would with a bolt-action rifle. The classic Colt® AR-15 (M-16/4) rifle is representative of a semi-automatic rifle.

Therefore, before deciding on a particular rifle, have a good idea of why you want that specific firearm. For example, do you want your rifle for hunting game, protecting your storefront, or both? The answer to that question will influence what kind of rifle you will purchase.

3. Shotgun

The final consideration for a firearm in your security plan is a shotgun. Shotguns have been around for many years. There are two basic kinds of shotguns: single barrel and double barrel. Shotguns come in three types of action: manual, pump, and semi-automatic. The manual, double-barrel shotgun is more well-known because of the western movies. A pump shotgun probably is the second most recognizable weapon due to the police and gangster movies. Shotguns have several calibers of ammunition that they fire. The most common ammunition is the 12-gauge, followed by the 20.

The primary purpose of a shotgun is hunting fowl. Shotguns are great for this purpose because they fire small balls or pellets in a circular pattern. These shot pellets are small enough that they will not damage the meat on a duck, goose, or pheasant. Many poor people in rural areas own shotguns because they are an inexpensive firearm. Shotguns serve a dual function in rural communities: hunting and home security. Yet, in recent years the cost of shotguns has gone up with their increasing sophistication and popularity. Just like with the other two considerations, ensure you know why you want a shotgun and how it will function in your security plan.

Final Thoughts

These three kinds of firearms (pistol, rifle, shotgun) serve as a foundation for your security plan. We acknowledge that there is more to consider when developing a security plan for your home or business. Local, state, and federal laws need to be understood with an assessment of how they will influence your strategy. These factors require you to develop a risk mitigation plan to incorporate into how you go forward with your plan. The firearms that you choose to be part of your security apparatus should be chosen with care. In an emergency, you do not want to be fumbling around in the dark, trying to disengage the safety. Most criminal activity that results in firearm employment lasts less than a minute in most cases. You do not have the luxury of learning about your weapon at the same time you are attempting to protect your home or business. Therefore, choose wisely, get trained, practice gun employment, and regularly clean and maintain your firearms. They will help you keep your home or business secure in an emergency.

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